1892 – New Cottages for Farm Labourers, Langford, Sussex
Published in The Building News, July 18 1873: “These cottages are erected by tho proprietor, S.S. Piggott, Esq., for his labourers, and the aim has been to give them an architectural character without too great an expenditure. The ground floor Is built in red brick, and the chamber-floor in framing filled in with brick-nogging, upon which patterns are worked in plaster whilst in a damp state. The internal accommodation includes to each cottage a good-sized living-room, small scullery, pantry, coal-place and earth-closet — with three bedrooms over. Tho cost of the pair of cottages is £350.
We are pleased to observe that there are land- owners in Essex who are alive to the advantages of erecting upon their estates cottages which not only add to tho beauty of tho landscape, but which should also act as an incentive to tho Labourer to take a pride in his house. It must be remembered that the education of the eye is an important item in the training of rising generations.
As a proof that there need be no difficulty in erecting such cottages, it should be noted that they have been built by tho village bricklayer and carpenter, Messrs. Taverner and Emberson, from the design of Mr. Frederick Chancellor, architect, of 8, Finsbury Circus. “
Published June 26, 2009 | Last Updated May 13, 2013