1881 – Steam Laundry, Battersea, London

Architect: Ernest Turner


“The works of the London and Provincial Steam Laundry Company, situate in the Battersea Park-road, about half-way between the Battersea and Queen’s-road stations on the London and South -Western Railway, are the largest of the kind ever yet opened. They cover a space of upwards of an acre and a-half of ground, afford employment to 20 male and 1.50 female operatives, of whom 32 are provided with lodgings on the premises, and are capable, when working up to their full power, of dealing with from eighty to ninety thousand “pieces” of various descriptions per week. The buildings are from the designs of Mr. Ernest Turner, architect, of 2-lC, Regent-street. The contractors for the building are Messrs. Scrivener and Co., of Fitroy-road, N.W.” Published in The Building News, November 18th 1881.

Published August 28, 2009 | Last Updated January 2, 2014