1881 – Nos. 19-23 Donegall Street, Belfast, Co. Antrim
Four storey stucco building, a speculative development, only part of which was constructed. The portion to the left, above, is the site of No.23 Donegall Street, itself a fine warehouse building. The portion on the right was constructed and still stands today.
“With present number we give a facsimile of a sketch design prepared by Mr. J.F. Mackinnon (Messrs. Mackinnon and Dickson) showing tow tenements – one, that of Messrs. Young and Anderson, the other that of Messrs. Magonigal and Mack. It was intended at first to carry out both elevations as shown, but for some unexplained reason, that of Messrs. Young and Anderson has been departed from, whilst the premises of the other form have been rebuilt , under the superintendence of Mr. Mackinnon by Mr. Samuel White, Belfast.” The Irish Builder, November 15 1881.
Published March 13, 2014 | Last Updated September 10, 2024