1881 – Design for Clock Tower, Brighton, Sussex
Third Premiated Design in an architectural competition. “The conditions of the competition restricted competitors to placing the centre of the dial 2-5ft. from the ground, providing a dial-chamber 5ft. square, and surmounting the structure with a staff 1.5ft. high, on which a ball oft. in diameter was to fall. The general dimensions being thus virtually settled, competitors were hampered in design, and precluded from aiming at more elegant proportions. The arrangements for the clock machinery are fully provided for, and as the ground-floor chamber only requires space for the pendulum to swing, the extra space has been utilised in the basement, by the adoption of a half- vault to secure good light and ventilation to the urinal. The clock-works are also hermetically sealed from the injurious air of the urinal It was proposed to face the structure with white Portland stone, and surmount it with a gilt metal cup into which the copper ball would fall ; and it was intended to crown the staff with the figure of Mercury. The design is by Mr. James M. MacLaren, 21, King William-street, Strand, W.C.” Perspective view, section & elevation including plans as published in The Building News, July 22nd 1881.
Published September 9, 2010 | Last Updated December 31, 2013