1880 – Selected design for offices Mercer’s Hospital, Dublin
Unbuilt design for new wing of Mercer’s Hospital. In 1884, a new wing was added to designs of the same architect J.H. Brett. “This hospital was founded in the year 1734 by Mrs. Mary Mercer, when it was opened with but ten beds. From time to time, additional beds have been provided, and more particularly within the last two years. It is now to have a wing added, extending up Mercer-street; and of this we give a perspective view of the design selected in competition – viz., that by Mr J.H. Brett, M.Inst.C.E., of Dame-street. Besides new offices, the plans provide for three additional wards, lecture theatre, medical officers’ apartments, resident students’ quarters, and nurses’ and attendants’ dormitories. The design will be executed in red brick with terra-cotta dressings.” The Irish Builder, July 15 1880.
Published April 21, 2014 | Last Updated July 1, 2024