1880 – Residences, Portland Place, London
“This residence has recently been completed, and is erected on the Portland Estate. The site being limited in area, it was found necessary to carry up the buildings to a considerable height, in order to obtain sufficient bedroom accommodation. The architect was instructed to observe strict economy in regard to the exterior, and to avoid all merely extraneous ornamentation, and he has scrupulously carried out these instructions, trusting to proportion, and first-class materials and workmanship, to give character and comfort to the appearance of the house. The finest red Fareham bricks have been used for the facings, and Portland stone for the porch, and the whole of the windows are glazed with plate-glass. The interior of the house has been finished with every attention to refinement of detail. The house has been erected by Messrs. Lucas Brothers, from the designs, and under the superintendence, of Mr. Thomas Porter, architect, 2, Westminster Chambers, Victoria-street.” Published in The Building News, July 30 1880.
Published July 21, 2009 | Last Updated December 23, 2013