1879 – Roman Catholic Church, Castleisland, Co. Kerry
Selected design from seven submitted. Tower and spire later, from 1901.
Published in The Building News, November 14 1879: “This design was selected in a competition wherein seven architects competed. The church consists of nave, N. and S. aisles, transepts, chancel, flanked by two side chapels, vestries, &c. ; a nuns’ choir is shown at the south-east angle of building to be in connection with existing convent, and divided from south chapel by an ornamental wrought-iron grill. An organ chamber is provided in south transept for use of nuns, access to which is gained from nuns’ choir by a stone spiral staircase. The nave arcade will be supported on golden grey polished granite, with carved Portland stone caps and moulded bases. The responds in south chapels and small columns in angles of apse will be in Aberdeen red polished granite. The exterior will be built in a local limestone, hammered, dressed, and dressings chiselled. All interior dressings will be of Bath stone, with exception of caps and bases to columns of nave arcade. Tenders are now being invited for the erection of church, and it is expected the building will be commenced in September. The cost is £8,000. The architect is Mr. Dominic J. Corkley, .59, Oakley-road, London, N. “
Published September 17, 2009 | Last Updated February 19, 2023