Random Building
1879 – Public Fountain, Chippenham, Wiltshire
Illustration showing plans, sections & details and published in The Building News, January 10th 1879. “Th« design which we illustrate is by Mr. W. Galsworthy Davie, architect, and was selected from among numerous others submitted in competition last year. It is now being erected, but the detail shown in the view is not being strictly adhered to. The bulk of the masonry is in red and grey granite, polished in parts, Portland stone being used for the carved caps and upper part of middle bowl, the panel of tame being filled in with polished granite. The drinking trough for cattle is to be paved with tiles, and the whole will rest on one bed of concrete. The work is being carried out by Messrs. J. Easton and Son, of Exeter. “
Published June 24, 2009 | Last Updated December 19, 2013