1879 – House, Putney Heath, London
Perspective view including ground plan published in The Building News, January 31st 1879. “Thb building which we illustrate this week is erected on the site of one of the old Government semaphores, which, before the invention of the telegraph, connected Portsmouth Dockyard with the Admiralty at Whitehall, and, weather permitting, signalled a short message in about 20 minutes. The new house being placed on such an elevated spot commands extensive views, and harmonises extremely well with the landscape. The rich full red tone of the walls and the Broseley tiles of roof, relieved with stone, look extremely picturesque on the wide expanse of heath. The ground plan which we give shows the general arrangement of rooms, all of which are well proportioned, the woodwork of drawing-room being Spanish mahogany, the drawing-room decorated in colour, and the remainder of floor and staircase finished in wainscot. The basement, which is kept above the garden level, is lofty, and provides a spacious billiard-room and school- room, with kitchen and numerous offices. On the upper floors there are ten bedrooms, with dressing and bath rooms, &c. The whole of the works have been carried out by Mr. Robert Avis, of Putney ; Mr. Theodore K. Green, of Finsbury-place. being the architect.”
Published October 15, 2009 | Last Updated December 19, 2013