1879 – Design for No. 17 College Green, Dublin

Architect: Perry & Reed


Unconstructed design for Guinness & Mahon, who eventually built a new office building on this and the neighbouring plot in 1930. “We publish a view of the façade of some new offices proposed to be erected for Messrs. Guinness & Mahon on the site of their present premises, No. 17 College Green, Dublin. The area of the offices is considerable although the frontage is narrow, and an attempt has therefore been made to convey by the elevation an idea of its importance and put it in competition with the extensive banks and insurance offices which recently have been built in the neighbourhood. The cut stone of the façade will be brown Portland and the ashlar the blue Irish mountain limestone. The architects are Messrs. Perry & Reed, of the Adelphi, London”

Published May 29, 2024 | Last Updated June 12, 2024