Architecture of Sussex
Arthur Loader
summer house
1879 – Coach House, Stables & Summer House, Brighton, Sussex
Architect: Arthur Loader
“This building which we illustrate this week is for Alderman A. H Cox, J. P., Brighton, and to be erected in his private grounds. It combines coach-house, two-stall stable, summer-house, and “look-out.” The coach-house is purposely kept low to preserve a view from the residence. The materials of construction are stone, concrete, red brick, and woodwork — teak, oak, and fir. The roofs to be covered with zinc or patent lead. Mr. Arthur Loader, of Brighton, kc, is the architect.” Perspective View including ground plan as published in The Building News, July 25th 1879.
Published July 27, 2009 | Last Updated December 20, 2013