1876 – Unbuilt Memorial Church, Crumlin, Co. Antrim
“The two drawings we publish are sketches for a small church about to be built by the Hon. and Rev. C. Pakenham, in the diocese of Connor, Ireland, under the superintendence of Mr. Thomas Drew, R.H.A. , F.R.I.B.A. , of Dublin and Belfast, diocesan architect. The materials to be used for the masonry will be red freestone from the neighbourhood of Belfast, the roofing being of red tiles.
It may be worth remarking in connection with the above that this church will be only the second building of the kind in the entire north, or, so far as we know, in any part of Ireland, in which ordinary red tiles have been used for roofing. The neighbourhood of Belfast is remarkable for its splendid and inexhaustible deposit of clay, which produces an excellent red brick. It appears strange that manufacturers should follow so closely in old lines, and that there is not enterprise enough in a district abounding in brick manufactories to produce a single roofing tile, and especially at a time when, owing to the enormous price of slates, a most profitable market is open. Brick, tile, and terra cotta manufacture is in a very undeveloped state in Ireland, while supplies of the raw material are abundant, and conveniently situated for export. With the exception of the manufacture of machine-made bricks at Belfast, and at another manufactory on a small scale in Wexford, the brick made throughout the country is of a most inferior description, small in size, and costing in Dublin 45s. to 50s. and upwards per 1,000. The supply of bricks of superior quality is principally derived from Bridgwater. No attempt is made to produce flooring or roofing tiles. Fire-clay bricks are made on a small scale, but specimens lately seen do not commend their quality to favourable notice.” The Architect, August 5 1876.
Published May 30, 2024