1876 – St. Mary’s Church, Broughderg, Co. Tyrone
Closed in the 1980s and replaced by a modern church nearby. Now semi-derelict. “This church us being built in a mountain district of the extensive parish of Lower Badmey, county Tyrone. There being two churches at present in parish, the object was to provide accommodation for outlying parishioners, at a moderate outlay. The plan of church is a nave, 63 ft. x 25 ft. internally, with open roof, chancel at east end, 23 ft., x 12 ft., having sacristy etc to north side of same. The church has been designed in a plain style, suitable for the situation, and is now being carried out by the respected pastor, Rev. P. McGeown, P.P., by day’s work. Mr. William McElwee of Londonderry, being architect”. Published in The Irish Builder, July 15 1876.
Published March 19, 2014 | Last Updated April 22, 2022