Architecture of Brandenburg
art galleries
Friedrich August Stüler
Johann Heinrich Strack
National Galleries
Random Building
1969 – Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin
1876 – Nationalgalerie, Berlin
Architect: Friedrich August Stüler, Johann Heinrich Strack
Part of the Museumsinsel complex of galleries and museums, the Nationalgalerie is surrounded by a long colonnade of Doric columns. The building itself takes the form of a Roman temple on a two storey plinth accessed by two large flights of steps. The large statue is of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV by Alexander Calandrelli. Along with other buildings on the Museumsinsel, it was badly damaged during the war but has now been largely restored. From the opposite bank of the river, the temple allusions are more obvious with the large stone walls un-punctured by windows or other openings.
Published January 29, 2010