Random Building
1876 – Cottage Villas, Portbreda Park, Belfast
“The two cottage villas shown in the illustration with the present number have just been erected at Fortbreda Park, adjoining the Newtownbreda-road, Belfast, for John Coyle, Esq. The materials are – red brick, with Scrabo and Dumfries stone sparingly introduced in cills and keystones, etc; purple slates with green bands in roofs; Ashton and Greene’s red fancy ridge tile and terra cotta (Peake’s terro-metallic) bands in chimney-stacks. The outside woodwork of roofs is stained and varnished, and the inside work is pitch pine which will either be varnished or french polished. The hall, verandah, and passage from front gate of the larger house are late with Minton’s encaustic tiles. The total cost, including boundary wall and gates, is about £2,500.” Published in The Irish Builder, December 15 1876.
Published October 22, 2015 | Last Updated September 3, 2024