1875 – Vicarage, Randalstown, Co. Antrim
Published in The Irish Builder, June 1 1875. “The site is elevated and gives extensive views of the surrounding country, including the demense of the Right Hon. Lord O’Neill, of Shane’s Castle, which it adjoins.
The house is built of brick – external walls being hollow and faced with Belfast red pressed bricks, having band of blue and white bricks. The strings, sills, and lintels are of white sandstone from the Cookstown quarries; the roofs to be covered with Bangor blue slates, and finished with red ridging. All of the exposed woodwork to roofs, &c., is of memel. The plan provides on ground floor – drawing and dining-rooms, and study, with cloak and store-rooms, kitchen, scullery, pantries and larder. On Chamber floors – five bed-rooms, and two dressing-rooms, bath-rooms, closets, &c., and servant’s bedroom. The out-offices include fuel shed, car-house, stable, and sow-house, with lofts over latter. The house-yard is distinct from the stable-court and both are well enclosed.”
Published May 5, 2016 | Last Updated January 23, 2025