1875 – Labourer’s Dwellings, Co. Mayo
“We give with this number an illustration of a Labourer’s Dwelling, designed by Mr. E. Townsend, C.E. A number of these cottages have recently been erected in the counties of Galway and Mayo, under the Board of Works. These cottages have the advantage of three bed-rooms, which prevents the evil of the different sexes sleeping in one room, which only too often occurs in country places. To these cottages is attached a yard with ashpit, w.-c., and piggery at the further end, and other out-offices according to the means of the occupier. The walls are built of rubble masonry, and the floor of living room, porch, &c., is made of concrete in preference to tiles, it being often found difficult to repair the latter in remote country districts. The total cost of one of these cottages is £120.”
Published March 18, 2017 | Last Updated April 15, 2023