1875 – House, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, Gloucestershire
From The Architect, January 23, 1875: This house is now in course of erection for Mr. H. Fedden, from the designs of Messrs. Ponton & Goush, of Bristol. The walls are built of a warm brown-coloured stone, quarried on the site; the chimneys are built of local red bricks. The roofs are covered with plain Bridgewater red tiles. The bands and window dressings are of Bath stone. The upper portions of the windows will be filled with leaded glass, in geometrical patterns. The house is built on the slope of a hill, the ground being filled up on the side of the entrance front to a level with the ground floor. A wide verandah is built to the side shown in the view, giving access from the principal rooms to the front lawn, on a level with the basement floor.e
Published November 3, 2009