1875 – Church of the Ascension, Lavender Hill, London
Pictured is the original design for Church of the Ascension published in 1875, but not completed until 1883. The architect James Brooks discovered during construction that he had to pour a disproportionate amount of available funds into the foundations owing to the site conditions. The unforeseen expense alarmed his clients and also prevented certain features of the design from being executed. This included the carving of the stone capitals in the nave, the projected tower with steeple above what is now the south porch and an elaborately carved stone reredos. Discontent at the additional expense led to his dismissal and replacement, in 1883, by Messrs J.T. Micklewaite and Somers Clark, who completed the church almost entirely to Brooks’ design.
Published July 16, 2009 | Last Updated July 19, 2012