Random Building
1873 – Yorkshire Banking Co, Bradford, Yorkshire
“This building is situate at the angle of Bank Street and New Tyrrel Street, Bradford, and within a very short distance of the bank erected by the same company some twenty years ago. At that time the cost of the ground was some Gl, per yard, while that of the present building has been 211.15s. per yard, and as the positions are equal, it may be taken as a fair indication of the increasod value within that period.
The basement-storey is cellared throughout, and, the floor and walls are asphalted to ensure perfect dryness. Good house accom modation, also the heating apparatus, coal storage, and spacious pro vision for documents and vouchers, are here arranged.
The ground-floor has a banking-room, 52 feet long, 32 feet wide, and 22 feet 6 inches high; also manager’s room, waiting-rooms, lavatories, &c., and a private entrance to the bank-premises, and also to the suites of offices which are arranged above. The large room is approached through a porch fitted with double doors, and is divided along one side by columns and pilasters, and affording a pas sage of communication to all the internal doors, without disturbing the clerks at the desks. Every convenience is provided for cus tomers as well as for the managers and clerks, and the privacy of customers has been studiously considered. The strong room is placed in the centre of the building, surrounded on all sides by the bank remises; the walls and arch are of solid ashlar, and fitted with IILNER’s fire-proof double doors, and has three internal storeys, with iron floors, stairs, and hoist; the cost has been about 1,000.
On the upper floors convenient suites of oſſices have been arranged” for letting-off, with separate entrance from Bank Street, and stone staircase; also with liſts for coals from basement, and speaking-tubes down into entrance-hall, and the whole of the floors are fire-proofed. The external parts are Italian in character, with considerable rich ness of treatment, the angle which receives the principal bank entrance having received especial attention, and is surmounted by a pavilion roof. , Distinctive features are also given to each angle of the building above the line of the principal cornice, and the parapet is broken by chimney-stacks of bold treatment. The internal fittings of the banking-room will be handsome in character, and executed in best Riga waiuscot oak.”
Published May 31, 2024