1871 – Church of Saint Bartholomew, Armley, Yorkshire

Architect: Walker & Athron



From The Building News, July 10 1874: “We give this week an illustration of a proposed reredosforthe church of S. Bartholomew, Armley, near Leeds, now in course of erection from designs by Mr. Henry Walker and Mr. Josh. Athron, architects, of Leeds, views of which appeared in our journal of 8th Sept., 1871. The church, it will be remembered, is a cross church, having nave and aisles, transepts, central tower, and apsidal sanctuary (the choir being under the tower). The reredos will stand 5ft. of the east wall, and be elevated nine steps above the level of nave-floor. The apse, it will be seen, has wall-arcading, with panels for mosaic work above, the cills of windows being thus kept high. It is in- tended to construct the reredos of alabaster, with shafts of different-coloured marbles, and glass mosaic back-grounds to the figures. “

Published July 15, 2009 | Last Updated December 20, 2013