Architecture of Surrey
John Thomas Barker
Random Building
1906 – House, Godstone, Surrey
1868 – St. George’s Church, Croydon, Surrey
Architect: John Thomas Barker
From The Building News: “THIS church is being built for the English Presbyterian body from designs by Mr. John Thomas Barker, architect, Croydon. It consists of nave and transepts, and will have a tower and spire rising to a height of 120ft. A two-story building adjoins, which will be used for vestries, living and class rooms, and large school room. The whole is being carried out in red brick and Bath stone, with malm facings inside, and when completed will cost £4,000, exclusive of site. Mr. J. Pollard, of Croydon, is the builder.”
Published February 16, 2013 | Last Updated March 16, 2013