1861 – Design for St. Macartan’s Cathedral, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan

Architect: J.J. McCarthy



Design for St. Macartan’s Cathedral, Monaghan, which was under construction at this time, and completed, after McCarthy’s death, in 1992. Illustration from the original publication in the journal The Builder, 12 September 1868. The nave of the completed building was two bays shorter than illustrated.

“According to the designs and plans which have been prepared by Mr. J.J. McCarthy, the eminent architect, and under whose superintendence they will be carried out, the new cathedral will consist of a nave, aisles, transepts, choir, with apsidal termination, and eastern chapel and sacristies. There will also be a chapter house which will be on the northern side. A tower and spire will be raised on the west flank of the south transept to a height of 210 feet. The entire length of the cathedral will be 177 feet. The nave and aisles will be 72 feet wide and the total width across the transepts will be 110 feet. The style of architecture will be Gothic of the 14th century.” From a description of the laying of the foundation stone in The Freeman’s Journal, June 19 1861.

“It is intended to build a new Roman Catholic cathedral at Monaghan, near the Dublin-road, for the diocese of Clogher. The architect is Mr. J. J. McCarthy, The style is Gothic, of the fourteenth century. It is to consist of nave, aisles, transept, choir with apsidal terminations, an eastern chapel and sacristy, and a chapter-house on the north side. There are to he a tower and spire on the west flank of the southern transept, rising to a height of 210 feet. The entire length is 177 feet : nave and aisles are 72 feet wide : the width at transepts is 110 feet.” The Builder, July 20 1861,

And bizarrely two years later, The Irish Builder seems a little late with the news that: “We understand that there have been 150 applications for instructions to competitors relative to the proposed new cathedral at Monaghan, many from English and Scotch architects”

“The ancient diocese of Clogher was founded in the fifth century by St. Patrick, who appointed his disciple, St. Mao Carthain, its first bishop. Clogher was chosen, say the antiquaries, by the national apostle, in order that “ the disciple might not be too near the metropolitan see of Armagh for familiarity, nor too distant for friendly intercourse.” During several centuries the now comparatively obscure town of Clogher, in the county of Tyrone, maintained the dignity of an episcopal city. By the Act of Parliament which suppressed ten biahopricks in 1838, the see of Clogher became united to that of Armagh in the ecclesiaatical government of the Established Chnroh. Other circumstances caused the removal of the residence of the Roman Catholic bishop to the more populous town of Monaghan, the capital of the county of the same name. Here tbe late Bishop Mac Nally commenced, in 1862, the cathedral of which the annexed illustrations show the plan and south-east view. Dr. Mao Nally did little more than lay the fonndations. His successor. Bishop Donnelly, has continued the work with unabated zeal. The material of which the cathedral is built is bard grey sandstone from the immediate neighbonrbood, relieved by dressings, mullions, aud tracery of sandstone of a warmer tone. The building is can’ied out from tbe designs and under the superintendence of Mr. J. J. M’Cartby, R.H.A., architect, by Mr. John Farrell, clerk of the works.” The Builder, September 12 1868.

“Monaghan Roman Catholic Cathedral, by J.J. McCarthy, RHA, is familiar to the visitors of the Royal Hibernian Academy of last year. It may be remembered as distinguished from other architectural drawings by Mr. Hayes’ clever coloring and the elaboration of it as a picture in a manner little practised on architectural circles. As a design it is undoubtedly fine composition. The great tower and spire adjoining the south transepts – an important feature in which Mr. McCarthy is generally happily graceful – in this case peculiarly so. The leading lines of the structure are carried up simply and grandly by almost unbroken buttresses from the base to the corbel table, and a bold verticality of treatment is the leading characteristic throughout. The way in which the spire rises from the cluster of eight airy lucarnes at its broaches is very successful.” The Irish Builder, June 15 1865.

Published December 1, 2011 | Last Updated February 29, 2024