Co. Limerick
Limerick Churches
W.H. Byrne (1844-1917)
William E. Corbett
1868 – Church of the Sacred Heart, The Crescent, Limerick
Architect: William E. Corbett / W.H. Byrne
Designed by local architect William Edward Corbett, but possibly to plans by Charles Geoghegan. The new church was to be incorporated into the Georgian terrace, t-shaped, with a nave, transepts and a shallow sanctuary. In 1900 the facade was renovated, as a three bay, constructed largely in red brick designed by W.H. Byrne. The facade jars quite a lot with the remainder of the terrace. The interior was largely intact until the church closed and was sold. A lot of fittings have since been removed.
Published March 26, 2013 | Last Updated February 2, 2025