1862 – Roche’s Royal Hotel, Glengarriff, Co. Cork

Architect: Edward Roche




Rambling hotel building built across a hilside with scenic views of Glengarriff. The round annex building was designed by the hotel owner, Edward Roche (1847-1908), who was a trained architect and had worked in England prior to taking over the family business in 1872. The building contained bedrooms around a central core that contained bathrooms and toilet facilities.

The hotel was destroyed by fire in 1910. After the fire, there was a 1911 proposal by J.F. McMullen for rebuilding of the hotel, which may have happened at the hotel was still in operation in 1925. The hotel has since vanished and only the old garden known as the “Rockery” with its exotic trees and stone steps remains.

Published April 13, 2021 | Last Updated February 1, 2025