Random Building
1862 – New Town Hall, Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire
From The Building News, September 26, 1862: The subject of our illustration this week is the town hall now being erected in Hull of which we give the principal elevation The old building in Lowgate known as the Maitfiion house and in which the municipal business of the town was conducted has been entirely demolished and the ground cleared for the now structure The greater part of the foundations are already in an advanced state, including the whole of the piling for the tower.
The building will be of stone from the Stetly quarries, with red Mansfield stone columns and pilasters. The offices and committee-rooms of the corporation arc principally on the ground floor, as well as the three courts, two of them being the old courts, which are all that will be retained of the former building. The first floor contains the reception and private rooms of tho mayor, also the town-clerks’ offices, council chamber, and grand jury room. The kitchens are over the basement floor, and there are some private rooms and bedrooms on the second floor. Tho whole of tho building will bo ventilated and warmed by Messrs, lladen, of Trowbridge. The architect is Mr. Cuthbert Brodrick, of Leeds and London. Mr. Addy, of Leeds, is the contractor for the whole of the works, excepting the warming and ventilation. The amount of his contract is £20,200.
It will, doubtless, be in the recollection of our readers that this design was the one selected by Mr. Tite for the first premium, from about forty sets of drawings.
Published October 16, 2009