1832 – St. Francis Xavier, Gardiner Street, Dublin

Architect: John B. Keane



A fine classical temple by John B. Keane although the parish website says “The High Altar….was designed and assembled in Rome by Fr. B. Esmonde…who with Mr John B. Keane was the architect of the church”. The building is known for its collection, sculpted altar piece, and paintings, mostly Italian in origin and dating from the Victorian period. Father B. Esmonde’s spent some time in Italy and his knowledge of the temples of Italy surely influenced this design. The Latin text on the pediment reads, “DEO UNI ET TRINO SUB INVOC S FRANCISCI XAVERII” which translates to english as, “to God one and Three under the invocation of St. Francis Xavier”

“The building is considered to be a fine specimen of archictecture, having a tetrastyle portico about fifty feet high, Ionic in order, and an elevated base, with a surmounting emtablature and pediment; a fine doorway in the centre of pilasters leadss to the nave. It has receding wings, which form vestibules to the minor chapels—adjuncts to the principal one—each of which has a dome. The ceiling is richly decorated with mouldings and rosettes, the whole structure presenting an imposing and beautiful effect”.
Whammond’s Illustrated Guide to Dublin, 1878.

Published July 1, 2010 | Last Updated September 29, 2024