1747 – Weavers’ Hall, The Coombe, Dublin

Architect: Joseph Jarratt



A weavers’ hall had been built by The Weavers’ Guild, The Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Lower Coombe in 1682. In 1745, when the building of a new hall was required, it was a Huguenot, David Digges La Touche, who advanced the £200 needed. The interior of the hall was wainscotted to pedestal height in the fashion of the time and the main hall was recorded as being fifty-six feet long by twenty-one feet wide. Demolished in 1956.

“This hall is situated on the Coombe in the Earl of Meath’s Liberties, and is a venerable-looking brick building, having its front decorated by a handsome gilt statue of George II. In the principal room which is 50 feet by 21, is a portrait of one of the Latouches, who came into this kingdom with the French refugees, and greatly encouraged the art of Weaving. This is also a portrait of George II, worked in tapestry, on the frame of which is the following couplet:

The workmanship of John Vanbeaver,
Ye famous tapestry Wearver.

This is extremely well executed and there is not a piece of workmanship of this description in Dublin. The only guild which meets here, besides the weavers, is the Guild of Hosiers” Published in The picture of Dublin: or, Stranger’s guide to the Irish metropolis.

Published November 17, 2014 | Last Updated September 12, 2024